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How to Successfully Start a Business Selling Baby Porridge

Baby porridge business - Starting a business in the food business is always endless. Food businesses ranging from selling staple foods to the snack business are indeed an activity that can bring a very large profit. One of the food businesses that is currently being Popular is the business of selling baby porridge. This food that is often consumed by babies has very promising prospects for you.

The type of porridge that you can sell to the public is not only chicken porridge, but you can also sell baby porridge to the community. Running a business in the baby porridge sector requires basic knowledge so that the business of selling baby porridge that you run can develop and be able to give you a big advantage.

How to Start a Business Selling Baby Porridge

The following is a successful way to run a business selling baby porridge that you need to know:

1.Preparing Business Capital

To run a business selling baby porridge, the first step you have to prepare is business capital.

The capital that you have prepared will later be used to buy raw materials for making baby porridge and also to buy business equipment. If you calculate the cost to buy materials and business equipment in making baby porridge, it is not up to 9 million rupiahs.

2.Looking for Baby Porridge Raw Materials That Have Good Quality

Running a business selling baby porridge using your product, of course, you will need help from suppliers selling baby porridge raw materials. In making baby porridge there are lots of raw materials you need. Make sure the raw materials you choose have good product quality and are hygienic.

One of the most important things, when you run a business selling baby porridge, is that you have to make sure that the baby porridge sold is very nutritious and does not give bad side effects on the baby.

To be able to get raw materials for making baby porridge that has good quality, one of the tips is to check whether the raw materials have been registered with the MUI or not.

3.Making Baby Porridge Business Name

The name of the business is one of the important things that you must prepare when running a business selling baby porridge. Making a business name, of course, will make it easier for customers to be able to remember the business of selling baby porridge that you run. In addition, creating a business name, Of course, will make it easier for you to carry out product branding activities.

Make a business name that is interesting and unique. By making a business name that is interesting and unique, it will certainly make people more curious, and in the end, they will buy from the baby porridge you sell. Remember and good to express.

A business name that is easy for customers to pronounce will make it easier for customers to mention the name of the baby porridge business that you run. In addition, these customers will indirectly recommend your baby porridge business because of the business name that is easy to pronounce.

One of the tips to be able to find a business name selling unique baby porridge is to translate the name of your baby porridge business into various interesting languages. Besides that, you can also ask your friends and relatives for advice in giving a unique and interesting business name.

4.Creating an Attractive Business Logo

The logo is one of the most important things for every agency; the product logo is one of the most important things that you must make. By creating an attractive business logo, of course, your business will be easily recognized by the public. You use to run a business selling baby porridge has been widely used by the community, so you can create an attractive logo so that it can be a differentiator from your competitors' baby porridge business.

You can make a logo in the form of a sticker which can later be attached to the baby porridge business that you run. In addition, you can also attach a sticker logo to the packaging of the baby porridge products you sell. By attaching a sticker to the packaging of the baby porridge products you sell. So indirectly people will easily recognize and remember the baby porridge business that you run.

5.Make a Delicious and Nutritious Baby Porridge Recipe

Before running a business selling baby porridge, the food you sell must be ensured that all babies can enjoy and eat the porridge. In the field of selling baby porridge, still, the food you sell must have a good taste and also a soft texture. So it will make babies love to eat your homemade baby porridge.

6.Creating a Good Marketing Strategy

So that the business of selling baby porridge that you run can be known by the public, and cause the turnover of the sale of baby porridge to increase. So you have to create a good marketing strategy. In the digital era like today, you can use social media as an event to promote.

Make an interesting post on the social media accounts that you have, you can also promote the business of selling baby porridge on the Google Ads platform.

You can make interesting posts, and you can also follow a trend that is viral every day. For example, one of the current trends is to make a video clip or make video reels on Instagram. Posts that follow the style of being viral will usually be easily seen by many people.

7.Choosing a Strategic Place for Selling Baby Porridge

Choosing a place of business to sell good baby porridge can affect the turnover of sales of baby porridge that you run. One example of a strategic place to sell baby porridge is being close to the highway, close to the posyandu, and close to the puskesmas area. A place like this will make it easier for buyers to find a location for selling baby porridge that you run.

8.Recording Business Activities Selling Baby Porridge

The business activity of selling baby porridge is a buying and selling transaction activity. For example, purchase transactions, sales of baby porridge, debts, and many others. So you need to record all these activities using a special cash book.

You can group all of the transaction activities of buying and selling baby porridge according to its type. For example, in sales transactions, you have to make a special report for sales transactions. So you are not allowed to mix up purchase and sales records. Mixing all types of transaction activities in one column will certainly make you confused in determining the number of transactions for each type.

Thus the article on how to successfully start a business selling baby porridge, hopefully, the information we provide can be useful for all of you. Especially for those of you who are currently wanting to start a business selling baby porridge but still don't know about what steps to take. Done.

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