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10 Correct Ways to Save So That You Are Financially Free And Get Rich

Correct Ways to Save So That You Are Financially Free And Get Rich - Hi,lokerjapati blog friends meet again on this occasion mimin will share information about 10 ways to save the right so that you are free from finances and become a wealthy serving. Saving is one of the most important things that everyone must do so that they have a reserve deposit of money that can be used for the present and in the future. Without having a savings account, a person will be confused when they need money in urgent circumstances so the path they usually take is to owe it to others. Of course, this will be very detrimental to yourself and others.

By knowing how to save properly, you can achieve a goal that you are achieving, one of which is to become a person who has a lot of money. Saving can be done by anyone, whether it's your profession as an employee, teacher, doctor, student, and many others. The wrong way to save will certainly have a very bad impact on your finances. At least you can set aside more money that you have to save so that it can be collected up to a lot. Saving is not in the form of money alone but you can save using investment methods, of course, you have to look for an investment that will provide profits for you.

The Right Way to Save So That You Are Financially Free And Get Rich

Here is a good and correct way to save so that you are free from finances and become a rich person:

1.Connecting The Smallest Money In The Wallet

The first way is to set aside the smallest money that is in the wallet every day. You can put it in a container or piggy bank made of soil and when it is full then you can use it for other needs.

2.Keep Saving Even Though Your Goal Has Been Achieved

Most other people will stop saving when all their goals have been met. So you don't imitate that, Keep saving even though all your skills have been fulfilled because we never know what will happen in the future. By using this method, you will be free from finances.

3.Saving From Rewards

There are so many competitions that you can participate in, whether it's in your office, or because you have helped others so that you get a prize in the form of money.

For example, you can save Rp.20,000 for every harsh word that comes out of your speech, or other bad habits.

4.Racing in Saving

Most everyone saving alone feels less exciting, Then you can invite your relatives or friends to compete to save for 1 year and whoever has the most balance then he is the winner. You can determine the target money that must be obtained and determine who the money will be deposited with or through the bank.

5.Save By Following the Dates 

Saving by following the date is very easy and practical to do, here are the steps:

Put the deposit money into your piggy bank from the 1st to the 30th, but for the amount of money deposited, you must adjust it to the date as well. For example, if on the 5th then you save Rp.5000, for the 7th you save Rp.7,000, and so on. Then it doesn't feel like your money will be collected a lot and this method can be done continuously until you become a wealthy person.

6.Saving the Smallest Money

Many people think that saving on a piggy bank is one of the old-fashioned ways, but this method is still effective if you run it well. It is impossible if you have small money and depositing it with the bank will certainly be a waste of your time. A very effective way is to put the smallest money you have in a piggy bank and if you have collected a lot of it then you can deposit it in the bank.

7.Save Shares

Shares are a valuable asset owned by every company listed on the IDX, By saving stocks there are 2 benefits that you can get, namely capital gains from the increase in the price of a SAHM and dividends given by the company to you.

However, saving stocks has a high-risk instrument because the fluctuations are too high in a short time. In addition, you must also have a special skill in playing stocks and have good stock analysis to choose the right stock. However, stocks can provide profits of up to thousands of percent if used for the long term.

8.Saving Gold

Gold is a real asset in the form of a precious metal whose value can protect you from inflation. Gold is one of the right ways to save and invest because it has a small risk. Although it often experiences fluctuations in the short term, the value of gold in the long term always experiences an increase.

You can monitor easily the price of gold anytime and anywhere, To own gold is also very easy you can buy it at the gold shop directly or buy gold stocks online.

9.Mutual Fund Savings

A good and correct way to save is to buy mutual funds, Mutual Funds are a forum that collects funds from the public which are then reinvested in a securities portfolio by a very professional Investment Manager.

Here are 4 mutual funds that are very popular as the right choice for you to start investing:

Money market 


Fixed Income

And Mixed

One of the advantages that you get from saving mutual funds is that it is very practical and easy in the sense that your funds will be directly managed by experienced experts. In addition, you can also diversify assets automatically.

Saving Deposits

The last good and correct way to save is to save a deposit, later you will keep money in the bank for a predetermined time and you cannot take it if you still have not reached the predetermined time.

This way of saving is very suitable as an investment for the short term because it can provide a profit for you that has been guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS).

The amount of profit from deposits is certainly greater than ordinary savings, saving deposits also have an advantage in the form of rolling profits that can be obtained by customers who do not take their money when they are due.

Thus the article is about 1 to save the right so that you are financially free and become rich, Hopefully, the information that Mimin presents can be useful for all of you who want to start saving the right way.

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