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Easy Ways to Calculate Customs Excise From Shopping Activities Overseas

How to calculate customs duties – Not a few people are interested in buying an item from abroad because in terms of quality and the product is not produced domestically. But make no mistake, when the goods you buy from abroad have arrived at your place, the price of the goods you have purchased will experience an increase due to being exposed to customs.

Customs duty on goods is a tax that will certainly always be attached to products from abroad that you buy because the activities of buying and selling goods have passed from a cross country. For those of you who still don't understand how to calculate customs duties on the goods you get from abroad, then you don't need to worry, because we already have a guide in calculating customs duties for goods from abroad properly and correctly.

The basis of the imposition of customs duties on goods purchased from abroad

Since the end of January 2020, the government has decided that the amount of customs duty on imported goods has decreased to 3$.

When calculated into rupiah, the figure ranges from IDR 45000. This rule has been set by the minister of finance at No, 199/PMK.010/2019 which discusses Customs, Excise, and Taxes from imported goods.

Based on a new rule that has been issued, then for goods that you buy from abroad, you will automatically be charged a fee for customs clearance of goods according to the regulations that have been set. However, if the nominal price of the goods is below IDR 45000 then the goods will not be subject to customs duties and vice versa.

Tariffs for customs duties are at least divided into 3 types, namely:

25 – 30% of the customs duty for shoes

15 – 20% of customs duty for textile products and also bags

7.5% customs duty for general products

And the customs duty is still not included in the VAT fee, which is 10% of the nominal price you buy imported.

Easy Ways to Calculate Customs for Imported Goods

The following are some ways to calculate customs duties that you can apply when you buy goods from abroad:

How to Calculate Customs for Imported Goods in General

This time we will simulate when you will buy a wall display from abroad. You buy a display with a beautiful carving from Japan for 30$ and postage of 10$ is charged.

Then you decide to use goods insurance services with an insurance price of 2$. With an assumption that the exchange rate is converted into IDR 14000, here is an easy way to calculate the customs duty:

Total for wall display price = 30$ + 10$ + 2$ = 41$

Price for purchases in rupiah = 41$ x IDR 14000 = IDR 574000

Incoming customs duty = 7.5% x IDR 574,000 = IDR 43,035

The basic value of the imposition of tax fees = IDR 574,000 + IDR 43,035 = IDR 617,035

VAT fee for imported goods = 10% x IDR 617,035 = IDR 61,703

Total for taxes to be paid = IDR 43,035 + IDR 61,703 = IDR 104,738

So the total cost you have to spend to be able to buy wall displays from Japan is IDR 675738, -.

How to Calculate Import Customs for Shoes Purchase

Surely you still don't know that some products, such as shoes from abroad, have a very high customs duty. So it's no wonder that the price of imported shoes in stores is very expensive.

For example, if you buy shoes, bags, and other textile goods from abroad, the goods will be subject to a tax of 20% to 25% of the nominal price of the goods you buy.

For example, you buy a bag from America for 50 $ with shipping costs of 5 $ and goods insurance of 2 $.

Therefore, the calculation of incoming customs duties properly and correctly for the purchase of goods from abroad is as follows:

The total price for the bag is 50$ + 5$ + 2$ = 57$

Value for purchases in rupiah = 57$ x Rp.14 thousand = Rp.798.000

Incoming customs duty = 25% x 798,000 = 199,500

The base value for taxation = IDR 798,000 + IDR 199,500 = IDR 997,500

VAT charged for the purchase of imported bags = 10% x IDR 997500 = IDR 99750

So the total amount of taxes you have to pay is IDR 299250 thousand

So that the total cost you have to prepare to be able to buy imported bags from America is IDR 1097000.

Before you check out the items you want to buy, first make sure about the budget you have whether it is sufficient or not.

Several Reasons That Cause Import Duty to Purchase Products from Overseas

The imposition of customs duties for imported goods originating from abroad is one of the efforts made by the government to be able to restrain the rate of growth of imported goods so that people will love domestic products more.

Because, if goods from abroad can enter easily, then the domestic industry will be unable to compete with products originating from abroad. In addition, there will be fewer and fewer enthusiasts for the production of domestic goods. Once whose quality is also not inferior to imported goods. Besides that, doing online shopping activities in your own country will be much safer and more comfortable.

This is an article on how to easily calculate customs duties from shopping activities abroad. Hopefully, the information we provide can be useful for all of you. Especially for those of you who currently want to shop for goods from abroad and don't know about the number of excise fees that must be paid.

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